Franziska Eckhoff, former President of WISTA Germany, has a successor. Cathrin Prikker was elected as the new 1st Chairperson at yesterday’s General Meeting.

Other members of the Executive Board were also newly elected or confirmed in their positions. The meeting participants elected Melina Bröske (Georg Dunker) as the new contact person. She succeeds Nadine Kornblum. Furthermore, Angela Raabe (Kongsberg) was re-elected as Event Manager and Marina Röhl (United Product Tankers) as Treasurer. Franziska Eckhoff ran for the office of 2nd Chairperson. She takes over the position from Irina Carbunaru, who has moved abroad for work and was no longer able to fill the position.
The new President of WISTA Germany is Managing Director of Top Glory Marine. A company that specializes in sustainable waste management in the shipping industry. Cathrin Prikker put herself forward as a candidate because she has always found the work of WISTA interesting. She first came into contact with WISTA during her training at the Hermann Buss shipping company in Leer. “Right from the start, I realized that shipping is a male domain and was therefore interested in showing that women can achieve just as much in shipping. That’s why I ran for this position,” says Prikker.
Prikker reactivates Leer
As the new president, she wants to build on the “very good work” of the last board. She is looking forward to the next two years, during which she wants to better connect and strengthen the individual WISTA locations, among other things. She had already started to reactivate WISTA in Leer last year. One of Cathrin Prikker’s goals during her presidency will therefore be to strengthen and link the individual WISTA Germany locations across the region.