
Maritime start-ups @ SMM 2024

The 5th of September marks the 6th Maritime Start-up Day & Night in Hamburg. This year, the event is once again being presented by SMM in Hamburg.

Participants are maritime start-ups from all over the world. They will present their new business ideas on various topics in the digital or analogue market sector.

Start-ups that have booked a stand at SMM Hamburg will present their company to the SMM audience at the prefinal pitches on the afternoon of today‘s trade fair day. An expert jury will honour the best start-up in each category. At the Maritime Start-up Night in the evening, one of the 4 best pre-winners will be named Best Maritime Start-up 2024.

The event will conclude with a networking event with drinks and food. The winning start-up will receive, among other things, a HANSA media booster package worth 10,000 euros.

Agenda of the Start-up event

  • 11:25 Open Stage | Hall B6
  • 11:30 – 12:10 Pitch & Panel “Ship Operations / Management”
  • 12:20 – 13:05 Pitch & Panel “Digital Ship”
  • 14:10 – 14:55 Pitch & Panel “Ship Performance / Fuel Saving / Environmental”
  • 16:00 – 16:45 Pitch & Panel “Portrait your company”
  • 19:30 Maritime Start-up Night & Award Ceremony 
(Location: Karoline)
  • 20:00 – 24:00 Exclusive Aftershow-Party / Get-together with live-music, drinks & some food (Location: Karoline)

Find out more about the maritime Start-ups!

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Copyright: © Wroblewski

Caption: As in 2022, HANSA will also be a media partner of the "Maritime Start-up Event" this year