
MS&D: Maritime security in focus at SMM

The maritime world is exposed to multiple threats, the armed conflicts in the Black and Red Seas being just two of them. Maritime security is an issue all over the world, and not just for the defence industry.

From piracy to illegal fishing, trade and free sea lanes are under threat. Against this backdrop, prominent personalities from politics, industry, science and navies will meet next September. They will discuss urgent issues of security and defence at sea. The forum for this will be provided by the MS&D Conference, which will take place on September 5-6 as part of the SMM. For the first time, the “Conference on maritime security and defence” is cooperating with the German Maritime Institute (DMI), and the two-day conference will serve as a forum for the exchange of innovations, their applications and experiences between the participating navies from all over the world. In addition, the SMM, which runs in parallel, offers the opportunity to find out about trends and innovations in maritime security.

The motto of this year’s MS&D conference is “Challenges of Transition in the Naval and Maritime Domain”. In addition to current geopolitical challenges, this year’s MS&D conference will also focus on the industry’s technical responses to invasion threats, dealing with critical underwater infrastructure, the use of dual-use technology and the latest trends in naval shipbuilding.

In four panels and around 20 open presentations, high-calibre speakers will provide an insight into their respective fields of activity. The following contributions and discussions are on the program:

Thursday, September 5, 2024

  • Opening Remarks: Plotting the Course of MS&D, Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider, DMI President
  • Keynote, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, Chief of German Navy


Panel 1: Current Challenges in the Maritime Domain, Moderation: Dr. May-Britt Stumbaum, CISS

  • New Technologies and Their Impact on Maritime Security: Yemen and the Black Sea in Perspective, Captain (Navy) Sebastian Hamann, German Navy
  • Asymmetrical Threats Against Commercial Shipping, Irina Haesler, Head of EU Representation / Maritime Security Policy, German Shipowners’ Association
  • Maritime Aspects of Military Logistics – New Challenges, N.N.


Wildcard Presentation, N.N.

Panel 2: Maritime Domain Awareness & Multi Domain Ops – Above and Under Water, Moderation: Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider, DMI

  • New Trends & Technologies, N.N
  • Critical Undersea Infrastructure, Rear Admiral Christian Walter Meyer, Division Head Operations, German Navy Command
  • The Maritime Contribution to Multi Domain Operations, Major General (ret.) Mick Ryan, Adjunct Fellow, Australia Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies


Maritime Innovation Challenge, Moderation: N.N.


Friday, September 6, 2024

Panel 3: Asymmetric Naval Responses – The Illusion of Low-Intensity Warfare at Sea, Moderation: Dr. Sarah Kirchberger, DMI Vice President & Director ISPK, Kiel

  • Technological Responses to Maritime Security Challenges in the Indo-Pacific Area, Dr. Jyh-Shyang Sheu, Taiwan Institute for National Defense and Security Research
  • Asymmetrical Warfare Against Conventional Navies, Admiral (ret.) Igor Kabanenko, PhD, President of Ukrainian Advanced Research Project Agency, former Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine
  • Asymmetrical Threats: Drone Carriers – the Answer?, N.N.


Panel 4: Trends in Naval Shipbuilding, Moderation: Heinz Schulte, DMI Board Member

  • Trends in Naval Shipbuilding – A German Perspective, Vice Admiral Carsten Stawitzki, Head of Equipment Department at the German Ministry of Defense (positive response, confirmation pending)
  • Engineering and Design Trends in Naval Shipbuilding, N.N.
  • Application of AI in the Naval Shipbuilding Industry, Jonas Neustock, Team Lead Operations Artificial Intelligence at TKMS
  • Summing Up MS&D / End of Conference, Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider, DMI President

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