
Germany to receive 40 GW of offshore wind by 2034

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has published the fourth area development plan for the expansion of offshore wind energy in Germany.

The plan sets out a stable expansion path for 40 GW by 2034 in order to make a contribution to climate protection. The BSH is thus creating a reliable basis for the necessary investments and long-term decisions that are required for the successful expansion of offshore wind energy.

The area development plan defines additional wind energy areas with a total capacity of 40 gigawatts. The offshore wind farms will be connected via 18 grid connections with a route length of around 2,221 km in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). In addition, further areas with significant expansion potential will be identified for the period from 2034.

“We have reached an important milestone with the expansion strategy to 40 gigawatts by 2034. We have also secured the key areas for achieving the 70 gigawatt expansion target by 2045,” says BSH President Helge Heegewaldt, adding: “This is based on a comprehensive Strategic Environmental Assessment and is accompanied by far-reaching mitigation measures to protect marine nature during the construction, operation and decommissioning of the facilities.”

BSH, Offshore, Ausbauplan
Climate protection: BSH increases expansion of offshore wind energy to 40 gigawatts by 2034 © BSH

BSH: Additional areas in the North Sea

As a result of a successful trilateral coordination process with the authorities in Denmark and the Netherlands, additional areas in the German North Sea that can be used for wind energy have been identified.

The area development plan also contains an informational presentation for the offshore marine areas. This contains an innovative proposal for better use of grid connections and more efficient use of land.

“For the offshore areas, we would like to stimulate a discussion on how the future expansion of wind energy should be organized there,” says the responsible BSH department head Nico Nolte. “We are already implementing the proposed optimization approach for two areas in the new plan and can thus save on a grid connection system.”

The BSH is already planning to start the next update process this year with the publication of a preliminary draft. The determination of acceleration areas and infrastructure areas will be taken up again – depending on the implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive into German law.

With the area development plan, the BSH defines areas and sites in the North Sea and Baltic Sea EEZ where offshore wind farms are to be built in the future. It also defines how and when these areas are to be put out to tender and the wind farms are to be connected to the onshore electricity grid. The plan contains technical rules and planning principles for the connection lines and wind turbines.

The potential impacts of the plan on the marine environment are identified, described and assessed as part of a comprehensive Strategic Environmental Assessment.

Other authorities and the public had the opportunity to contribute to the process by submitting comments and attending public meetings. This feedback has been incorporated into the specifications. The area development plan is regularly updated.

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Copyright: © BSH / Claudia Thomsen

Caption: © BSH / Claudia Thomsen