The Japanese classification society ClassNK has granted approval for an ammonia tanker. The ship was developed by the shipping company MOL, Namura Shipbuilding in Mitsubishi Shipbuilding.
The VLAC (Very Large Ammonia Carrier), which also runs on ammonia (NH3), will be able to transport large quantities of the fuel with low emissions.
The certification by ClassNK initially proves the feasibility from a regulatory and safety point of view. No information has yet been provided on the construction of the ship.
ClassNK expects a growing demand for ammonia
According to the classification society, it is expected that ammonia will become more widespread as a carbon-free fuel and that demand in power plants will increase as it does not emit CO₂ during combustion. The tanker has larger cargo tanks than comparable VLACs and gas tankers (VLGCs) and also enables low-emission transportation with ammonia as fuel. It is also designed to comply with the entry restrictions for large power plants in Japan. At the same time, the vessel complies with the specifications of current VLGCs in terms of connections to power plants and ammonia supply terminals during loading and unloading.
ClassNK reviewed the ship’s design concept against the “Guidelines for Ships Using Ammonia as Fuel (Part C, Issue 3.0.2)” of the “Guidelines for Alternative Fuel Ships” and the IGC Code, and examined the risk assessment using HAZID, focusing on safety with regard to ammonia toxicity.