
The current state of the shipping industry and geopolitical tensions. Interview with Nikolaus Schües, President of BIMCO

With SMM 2024 just around the corner, don’t miss this timely and insightful episode featuring Nikolaus Schües, President of BIMCO, the world’s largest international shipping association.  

In this first episode of HANSA.newscast SMM 2024 special, we explore the intricate relationship between global geopolitics and the shipping industry. As geopolitical tensions rise, the shipping industry faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Join us as we delve into the current state of the industry, examining how these global dynamics are shaping trade routes, influencing regulatory environments, and impacting the future of maritime commerce. This discussion is essential for anyone interested in understanding the broader forces at play in global shipping. 

🌍 Geopolitical Impact: Niko explains how conflicts in the Red Sea and Ukraine have significantly disrupted shipping routes and distorted global trade, even more so than past issues like Somali piracy.  

🧑‍✈️ Seafarer Safety: The vital role of seafarers is highlighted, stressing that they are not soldiers and should not be put at undue risk. The current risks they face due to geopolitical tensions and the importance of operational protection are emphasized.  

🤝 Collaborative Partnerships: The episode delves into BIMCO’s work with naval forces and European nations, as well as collaboration with industry associations like ICS, to tackle security threats and present a unified voice to regulators. 

Tune in to gain critical insights into the future of maritime trade and security!


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