
#16 NTNU Marine Nuclear Propulsion – A Game Changer for Decarbonization? Interview with Prof. Jan Emblemsväg

In this episode, we dive into the world of nuclear energy as a sustainable and efficient power source for the maritime industry. My guest, Jan Emblemsvåg, professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), presents facts and figures on why nuclear energy stands out compared to wind, solar, and fossil fuels.

With 4th generation reactors currently under development—specifically the thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor (MSR)—Jan explains why their application in merchant shipping is key to achieving decarbonization in the industry.

But how does Marine Nuclear Propulsion actually work? And what about radioactive waste—is it the Achilles’ heel or a manageable challenge? We tackle these pressing questions and more in this insightful and technically in-depth discussion.

Recommended by Jan: Dr. Edward Calabrese – The History of the LNT Episode Guide (


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